
Month: November 2023

105th Anniversary of the Polish Navy

Continuously, for 105 years, it has been guarding the maritime borders of the Republic of Poland and defending the interests of the state in Polish…

Energa Wytwarzanie and Northland Power to set up company to service offshore wind farms

Energa Wytwarzanie and Northland Power will establish a company to service offshore wind farms, Energa Wytwarzanie announced Monday. It noted that the companies already have…

ORLEN commercialises innovative Multifuel technology

The testing phase for the 1MW prototype cogeneration set featuring the Multifuel system, which enables electricity and heat generation using hydrogen, natural gas or their…

Another investment completed at the Port of Gdańsk

The construction has been completed of two storage and manoeuvring yards in the Inner Port, with a total area of approximately 20,000 square metres, together…

Polish sailors neutralised 16 historic water mines as part of NATO exercise in Estonia

Sixteen munitions, including those from the two world wars, were neutralised during a NATO historic mine clearance operation in Estonia’s territorial waters. Sailors from Poland…

Rescue operation in the Baltic. Seafarer wanted

A rescue operation is underway in the Baltic Sea. The Maritime Search and Rescue Service is looking for a seafarer believed to have fallen overboard…

Reuters: VLCC chartered by Orlen to carry Venezuelan oil for China

As reported by Reuters – Polish energy company Orlen, taking advantage of the temporary suspension of sanctions imposed on Venezuela, is brokering oil from that…

Training for future offshore wind farm installation terminal workers

Orlen Neptun has launched Poland’s first training course for those interested in working at an offshore wind farm installation terminal. Students of the Maritime School…

The submission phase for binding offers in GAZ-SYSTEM’s FSRU 2 Open Season procedure has been closed

On 27 October, the submission phase for binding offers filed by Participants registered in the GAZ-SYSTEM’s Open Season FSRU 2 procedure was closed.

Orlen looks at options to increase LPG import capacity

Orlen is analysing the possibilities of increasing LPG import capacity and greater diversification of the directions of its supply; the company told PAP. It added…

Remontowa Shipbuilding started production of the second SIGINT ship

On Wednesday, November 15, 2023, the first steel for the construction of another SIGINT (signal intelligence) type radio-electronic reconnaissance ship for the Polish Navy was…

Gaz-System selects two potential suppliers for FSRU in Gdansk Bay

Gaz-System has concluded Term Sheet agreements with two shipowners, setting out the framework conditions for the delivery and use of the first FSRU (Floating Storage…

The former submarine ORP Sokół will soon go to the Naval Museum in Gdynia

The long-awaited operation to transport the Kobben-type submarine, the former ORP Sokół, is scheduled to begin as early as 17 November if weather conditions are…

ORLEN ranked high among Europe’s 500 Largest Companies

In the prestigious Fortune 500 Europe ranking, ORLEN has secured the 44th spot, confirming the Company’s strong position in the region. The list, prepared by…

New tasks for the minehunter ORP Mewa

The third in a series of modern mine countermeasure vessels, ORP Mewa, built at Remontowa Shipbuilding S.A. and handed over to the Polish Navy in…

Baltic Hub board member: cooperation and dialogue between banks and business is needed like never before

According to Adam Żołnowski, board member of Baltic Hub and participant in the expert debate closing the 9th Corporate and Investment Banking Congress, the increased…

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