Further minehunters contracted at Remontowa Shipbuilding

According to agreement, worth over PLN 2 billion, signed in Ministry of Defence premises on December 27, 2017, two modern minehunters with three logistics support packages and one submarine rescue vessel with option for another will be supplied to Polish Navy.  The mine countermeasure vessels of “Kormoran II” type will be build by a consortium with Remontowa Shipbuilding SA of Remontowa Holding as a leader, with remaining members of consortium being OBR Centrum Techniki Morskiej SA (OBR CTM) and Stocznia Wojenna PGZ Sp. z o.o. (Naval Shipyard).

Signing of the agreement on the construction and delivery of the further two ''Kormoran II'' type MCMV's
Signing of the agreement on the construction and delivery of the further two ”Kormoran II” type MCMV’s on December 27, 2017.

The value of “Kormoran II” related contract is over PLN 1,1 billion.

Deputy minister for Defence, Bartosz Kownacki, emphasized the contracts are important step towards rebuilding of the Polish shipbuilding industry. He explained both privately owned companies – Remontowa Shipbuilding and other members of Remontowa Holding and state-owned ones – members of Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa – PGZ (Polish Armament Group) will be involved in construction of new naval vessels.

On behalf of the ordering party, the agreement was signed by col Dariusz Pluta, head of Inspektorat Uzbrojenia MON (Armament Inspectorate of MoD) and by representatives of the leader of the consortium, Remontowa Shipbuilding SA yard: CEO Piotr Dowżenko and deputy CEO – Bartłomiej Pomierski.

The ceremony was also attended by Piotr Soyka, the chairman of the Remontowa Holding capital group.

On behalf of the member of consortium, OBR CTM SA, the agreement was signed by president Andrzej Kilian and vice-president – Joanna Sztiller, while on behalf of Stocznia Wojenna PGZ Sp. z o.o. – president Konrad Konefał.

Two new minehunters will enter the fleet of Polish Navy during 2020-2021.

The agreement concerning the construction of two further units followed the delivery of ORP Kormoran – the first MCMV of the “Kormoran II” design from Remontowa Shipbuilding yard on November 17, 2017 as well as commissioning and first flag hoisting ceremony, held in the presence of the minister of defence Antoni Macierewicz on November 28, 2017.



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