PGE has infrastructure minister’s permits to build 5 wind farms with 3.9 GW of capacity

PGE has received a decision from the infrastructure minister to grant permits for the erection and use of artificial islands, structures and equipment in the Polish maritime area to construct five offshore wind farms. The total potential capacity of the planned wind farms will be around 3.9 GW, the company said in a press release.

– The PGE Group is the undisputed leader of offshore wind energy in Poland. We are implementing the largest RES investments in the Baltic Sea in terms of generating capacity. Today, we have received final decisions from the Ministry of Infrastructure regarding five permits that will allow us to build more offshore wind power plants in the future. The total potential capacity of the wind farms planned for construction in the new areas is approximately 3.9 GW. This is additional capacity to PGE’s existing projects. The implementation of the plans and the development of the new areas in the coming years will result in us not only reaching but even exceeding our strategic goal of 6.5 GW of power from offshore sources assumed for 2040,” said Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.

The decision was issued for areas 43.E.1, applied for by PGE Baltica 4. PGE holds a 55.04 per cent stake in the company, with Tauron Polska holding the remaining 44.96 per cent. The capacity of the planned offshore wind farm to be developed based on the obtained permit will be approximately 1 GW; area 44.E.1, applied for by Wind Power Plant Baltica 9, in which PGE holds 100 per cent of shares; area 60.E.3, applied for by Wind Power Plant Baltica 1, in which PGE holds 100 per cent of shares. The capacity of the planned offshore wind farm will be approximately 1 GW; area 60.E.3, applied for by Wind Power Plant Baltica 1, in which PGE holds 100 per cent of shares. The capacity of the planned offshore wind farm will be approximately 1.2 GW.

A permit was also granted for area 60.E.4, applied for by Wind Power Plant Baltica 5, in which PGE holds Enea holds a 66.19 per cent stake and the remaining 33.81 per cent stake. The capacity of the planned offshore wind farm will be approximately 0.56 GW for area 45.E.1 for the construction of an offshore wind farm, applied for by Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 2. PGE holds a 50 per cent stake in Elektrownia Wiatrowa Baltica 2, with the remaining 50 per cent owned by Ørsted. The capacity of the planned offshore wind farm will be approximately 0.2 GW.

The release indicated that the decisions were not final. Within 14 days from the decision’s delivery date, the parties to the proceedings have the right to submit an application to the Minister of Infrastructure for reconsideration of the case.



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