PGE: 84.2 MW wind farm purchase agreement signed

The acquisition of three onshore wind farms with a capacity of 84.2 MW means for the PGE Group an increase in installed capacity in onshore wind energy from 688 MW to 772 MW and an increase in market share from 9.6 percent to 10.8 percent – the PGE Group informed on Friday.

– After the transaction is finalized, the PGE Group’s installed capacity in this technology will increase by 12 percent, to over 770 MW. The acquisition will enable the PGE Group to maintain its position as the largest domestic producer of electricity from renewable sources. After the acquisition is completed, PGE will hold an 11-percent share of installed capacity in wind farms in Poland – the company said in a communiqué.

PGE also added that in 2021 the Renewable Energy segment generated EBITDA profit exceeding PLN 1bn for the first time in the history of the PGE Group’s operations. The result attests to the growing role played by renewable energy sources in the PGE Group. It was also emphasised that the acquisition of three wind farms with a total capacity of 84.2 MW “reinforces the green direction of the PGE Group’s energy transformation”.

– With installed capacity of over 770 MW in onshore wind farm technology, we are strengthening our position as the leader in renewable energy in Poland – said Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.

It was emphasised that the acquisition of three onshore wind farms means for the PGE Group an increase in installed capacity in onshore wind power from 688 MW to 772 MW and an increase in market share from 9.6% to 10.8% (according to the Energy Market Agency, the installed capacity of wind farms at the end of 2021 amounted to nearly 7,117 MW).

The company pointed out that the farms subject to the acquisition are located in three different provinces: the Kujawsko-Pomorskie province (36.9 MW Radzyń WF), the Łódzkie province (22 MW Ścieki WF) and the Wielkopolskie province (25.3 MW Jóźwin WF).

– The assets subject to the transaction include 32 turbines with a total capacity of 84.2 MW and an average annual production of 240,000 MWh, which makes it possible to secure the demand of 120,000 households, i.e. a city the size of Lublin. All the farms acquired have long-term contracts for the purchase of green electricity, which partially secure the volumes produced up to 2030. The farms will benefit from a support system in the form of green certificates until about 2030 – emphasised PGE.

It was also added that the farms are characterised by high productivity, in particular the Radzyń Wind Farm, whose net capacity utilisation of over 3,400 FLH (full load hours) is similar to the values achieved by offshore wind farms.

– The Ścieki Wind Farm is located in the direct vicinity of the Skoczykłody WF acquired by PGE in 2020, which will allow to generate additional synergies within the Group – PGE pointed out.

The company emphasises that the transaction is an element of the implementation of the PGE Group Strategy to 2030, which assumes that in 2030. PGE Group will have 1.7 GW of capacity in onshore wind farms, which will be achieved also through acquisitions.

– The long-term strategic goal is to achieve climate neutrality of the PGE Group by 2050 and to supply 100% green energy to its customers. The implementation of investments in renewable energy sources and acquisitions in this area will contribute to the achievement of this goal – summarized PGE.

PGE Group is a producer of electricity from coal and renewable sources (58.13 TWh). The Group has 5.4 million customers. It also extracts 39.94 million tonnes of lignite.



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