PGE Baltica: wind farms in the Baltic Sea in 2025-26
We hope that the first electricity from PGE’s offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea will flow to Polish homes in the years 2025-2026 – said Monika Morawiecka from PGE Baltica to the Polish Press Agency in Brussels.
Morawiecka took part in a conference on the energy transformation of the Member States on Friday in Brussels.
“Offshore wind farms are probably the most important investment of PGE in the early 1920s. At the moment, our two projects – and we have a total of three concessions in the Baltic Sea – are at the stage of final approval of the environmental decision. We have wind measurements, we will soon have geological surveys,” she told PAP during the conference.
As she added, the connection agreement with PSE was also concluded. “So we already know that the farms will be connected to the Polish power grid. We hope that the first electricity from these farms will flow to Polish homes at the turn of 2025-2026. Of course, it is still a few more years, but these projects have the advantage that they are being prepared longer and built shorter,” she said.
As she added, cooperation with the European Commission on this investment is very good. “They are very supportive. We are already talking about concrete solutions when it comes to the possibility of using European funds,” she said.
As she added, due to their scale, wind farm projects are capital-intensive, which is why PGE is counting on European funding. “This is an investment of several billion zlotys. Any funds that can be obtained before its construction will help to reduce costs for the recipients”. – …pointed out…
By 2030 PGE wants to invest billions of PLN in the construction of wind farms in the Baltic Sea so that 3.5 GW of wind turbines can be built at sea.
The Polish government expects that through diversification of energy sources and investments in, among others, offshore wind farms, it will be possible to reduce the share of coal in the energy mix even below 60% by 2030 (from over 80% at present). This is the result of the draft document “Energy Policy of Poland until 2040” presented by the Ministry of Energy in November last year.
From Brussels Łukasz Osiński