LOTOS to extract oil and gas from new fields

Efficient development of resources in various locations by LOTOS Group is becoming an important element in the diversification of energy sources and, consequently, in increasing Poland’s energy security, reports Monday’s “Rzeczpospolita”.

According to the newspaper, LOTOS Group is expanding the scale of its oil and gas extraction ventures.

After the first shipment of crude oil from the Yme field on the Norwegian Continental Shelf, launched two months earlier, was unloaded in Rotterdam in December 2021, in January 2022 LOTOS Norge, a company owned by the GdaƄsk concern, acquired four new exploration and production licences in Norway.

In 2021, the average daily production of oil and gas by LOTOS Group amounted to 17.3 thousand boe, i.e. barrels of oil equivalent. Approximately 64% of the total production came from Norwegian fields, 33% from Baltic fields. – from the Baltic fields. The remaining 3 percent was produced from fields in Lithuania. The share of crude oil in the total output was 53%, while 47% belonged to natural gas – informs “Rzeczpospolita”.


source: PortalMorski.pl

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