FSRU terminal cooperation talks with Czech Republic and Slovakia
We are analysing the final capacity of the FSRU terminal. We are talking with the Czech and Slovak sides at the level of gas system operators to work out a common model and then increase the capacity of this terminal, Climate Minister Anna Moskwa informed the Senate on Thursday.
“An FSRU terminal is planned in Poland, as of today in 2027. We are talking about 6 bcm. We are analysing this final capacity of the terminal, because the demand for gas is decreasing. At the same time, we have been approached by the Slovak and Czech sides; we are holding talks mainly at the level of system operators – our Gaz-Systemy, in order to work out a common model and then increase the capacity of this terminal,” he – Minister of Climate and Environment Anna Moskwa informed the Senate meeting on Thursday.
The minister pointed out that the total gas consumption in Poland is about 20 billion cubic metres and is consistently decreasing, especially in the business sector.
“We already observed this last year. This year this consumption is still falling and it is not just a question of summer. If we compare year-on-year, because we already have this annual comparison, we see that in various sectors by about 20 per cent this consumption is naturally falling. The autumn and winter season is certainly about prices, but it is also about substituting gas with other sources,” – Anna Moskwa stated.
Gaz- System said it was planning to locate a Floating Storage and Regasification Unit (FSRU) in the Gdansk area, capable of offloading LNG, in-process storage and regasification of LNG, as well as providing additional services. The FSRU terminal could be adapted to carry out regasification at a level equivalent to about 6.1 bcm of gas fuel per year, the company said.
source: PortalMorski.pl