The Port of Gdansk is developing intensively. The port infrastructure is being modernized, and consequently, the handling capacity is increasing. Therefore it was also necessary to extend the electrical power system. What is very important, all works were performed without any interruptions in power supply to the port’s contractors.
Within the area of the Port of Gdansk, electricity is supplied to 134 contractors. The power system consists of Main Power Supply Point (GPZ Port Północny), 60 transformer stations, and almost 270 km of cable lines (15 kV and 0.4 kV). This is an extensive infrastructure, critical to the operation of the port and its contractors.
The expansion of the GPZ substation began in 2017. The investment included both design and construction works. The entire project was financed with ZMPG funds. The cost of the investment is over PLN 6.7 million.
As part of the investment, forty-year-old power transformers, whose technical service life was coming to an end, were replaced. The investment made it possible to increase the connection power of GPZ from 20 MW to 35 MW of contracted power.
The works included modernization of high voltage switchgear 110 kV, including stands of power transformers, delivery and installation of two power transformers 40 MVA each, expansion of the station building and MV 15 kV switchgear by 12 outlets and modernization of power and measurement fields in the scope of adjustment to the increased power.
– This equipment meets the highest technological standards – it ensures the improvement of power supply reliability, reduces network losses and enables the increase of electricity supply in connection with the port development. Through the use of oil-tight transformer bays, fire protection conditions in the substation were improved and the threat of environmental pollution by transformer oil was eliminated. Energy losses have been reduced and heating costs have been cut thanks to the thermomodernisation of the station building – says Kamil Tarczewski, Vice President for Infrastructure at the Port of Gdansk.
The works connected with the modernization of the GPZ building premises, including the Control Room and the development of the area around the GPZ building, will commence soon. Further modernization of the power system is planned in terms of increasing the reliability of the system as a whole. This is achieved by successive replacement of cable lines, development of devices enabling remote control of the operation of transformer stations.